The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Buying Life Insurance
Life insurance is meant to take care of all the expenses that a deceased person had, such as any loans or credit card debt. It is also for the funeral and burial costs. This type of insurance is also for supplementing the deceased person's income so that his or her family can maintain living the way they had been before.
When it comes to buying life insurance, you need to think about how your family would carry on financially if you died. Would they be able to continue to pay all the bills and everyday living expenses? If there would not be enough money to do that, thus creating a major financial hardship, then you definitely need to buy life insurance. Once you make the decision to buy life insurance, there are many things to consider and, unfortunately, mistakes are often made. Here are 10 of the biggest mistakes people make when buying life insurance:
1) Putting Off Buying Life Insurance:
This is the #1 mistake that most people make and they just don't realize that it will cost less if they get it when they are young. Waiting until they are older is not the way to go because it will cost a lot more. Buying a policy at the age of 21 means that the premium paid every month will be substantially less than if the policy was bought at the age of 41. Buying it when you are young is the best thing to do so that the payments every month are lower.
2) Not Researching To Find The Type Of Policy They Need:
Once the decision is made to buy life insurance, a lot of people just go and buy the first policy that they think looks good; this is because they usually want to get coverage as soon as possible. Also, researching all the available options can be quite confusing and take up a lot of time. Not getting the right kind of coverage could result in not having enough protection for all their needs and/or could end up costing way more than it should have. So, before looking at prices and making the decision to get a policy, your best bet is to do some research to find out the type of policy you actually need. Also, always, always, always read any small print on a life insurance policy before you get it.
3) Not Getting The Right Amount Of Coverage:
Actually getting the right amount of life insurance is something that we don't really give a lot of thought to when we are young. Thinking ahead to such things as paying off a mortgage or having a higher salary is not something we tend to do, and, therefore, just how much we need to buy gets underestimated. The best thing to do is to purchase an amount that is higher than you originally were going to get. If you were to add more coverage later, your monthly premium would go up. It is a fact that, once the policy has been bought, it does not get looked at for a long time, so getting more than you thought you needed is the best thing to do.
4) Not Checking To See If Your Employer Offers Life Insurance:
Before getting a policy, you definitely should check with your employer to see if they offer life insurance. Making the mistake of not doing this will cost you. You can save yourself some money by adding more coverage from your employer's group plan instead of buying insurance for yourself.
5) Choosing Your Estate As Your Beneficiary:
This mistake is made all too often when people just can't decide who to name as their beneficiary. When this happens, the death benefit gets tied up in probate court and is subject to inheritance taxes or tax rates that are higher than if there had been a beneficiary named. The right thing to do is to decide who you want as your beneficiary and name them, and, name a few back-up beneficiaries.
6) Not Understanding The Difference Between Term Life Insurance and Whole Life Insurance:
This is something that most people have difficulty with; that is, choosing either term life insurance or whole life insurance. Term life insurance policies are for a specific amount of time and, therefore, will only be paid if a policyholder dies within that timeframe. If they happened to die after the time period was up, nothing would be paid.
For example, if someone had a policy of $50,000 for a term of 30 years, as long as they died within those 30 years, then it would be paid to their beneficiaries. If, however, they died after the 30 years were up, then nothing would be paid to their beneficiaries. This type of policy is a good option for someone that wants to be certain that, in the event of their untimely passing, their mortgage would be paid off and their children would get a college education.
Term life insurance policies will expire, but, once you achieve your goals financially, then it is no longer necessary to have insurance. So, after your mortgage has been paid off and your children have graduated from college, you will not need the policy any longer.
Whole life insurance policies are not for a specific amount of time and, thus, will not expire. They also build cash value. It does not matter when a policyholder dies; the payment will be made to their beneficiaries upon their death. This type of policy is a good option for someone that wants their children or grandchildren to have a nice nest egg or has assets that they want protected.
7) Thinking That You Can't Get Coverage If You Smoke Or Have Health Problems:
If you smoke or have health problems, there are policies for you to get, just be honest about it when talking to your life insurance agent. Making sure that they know all about it will enable them to give you the information you require to get the coverage you need. Yes, the medical exam is going to reveal any usage of tobacco. After you have the policy, keep in mind that if your health significantly improves or you are no longer smoking, you do have the option of getting in touch with your agent to see if you are now qualified for a rate that is lower.
8) Assuming That A Stay-At-Home Parent Doesn't Need Coverage:
If the stay-at-home parent who takes care of the children and basically runs the household for free all of a sudden died, just think of what that would do to your finances. You would have to start paying for any cleaning or childcare services that you might now find yourself in need of. It's a fact that having to find someone to do all the work a full-time stay-at-home parent does for free could cost you upwards of $30,000 a year! That is a very good reason to insure a stay-at-home parent.
9) Not Putting Your Life Insurance Policy In Trust:
It is a simple thing to put your life insurance policy in trust; this will ensure that if you have an asset put aside, it will go to whomever you intend it to go to. You just have to be sure to fill out the correct forms that are required. Not putting it in trust means that, when you die, the sum that is paid out becomes part of your estate automatically. It might be subject to inheritance tax which would could cut the amount your loved ones will get by 40%.
10) Not Reviewing Your Policy On A Regular Basis:
A life insurance policy, like any financial product, has to be reviewed on a regular basis. Any changes in your circumstances could definitely affect how much money would be needed if you died. Some examples are obtaining a higher-paying job, having more children or moving into a home that is more expensive. These would all affect your lifestyle and the amount of money necessary in order to maintain it in the event that your income was lost.
Having life insurance is very important, but, at the same time, we all hope that we will never need to use it. If you were to die prematurely, wouldn't it be nice to know that your family will not have to worry about any financial problems after not only losing someone they loved so much - you -, but also losing your income too? By having a life insurance policy in place, you are ensuring that your family will not have to struggle financially during such a difficult time.
When it comes to buying life insurance, be sure to get the right amount of coverage, know everything that is included with the policy and get quotes from several different companies so that you end up with the best price.
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