China tangguh roboh masjid besar
BEIJING: Pihak berkuasa di utara China menangguhkan rancangan meroboh sebuah masjid besar, semalam selepas ribuan penduduk melakukan bantahan besar-besaran.
Penunjuk perasaan mula berkumpul, kelmarin sebelum tarikh akhir meroboh Masjid Besar Weizhou di wilayah Ningxia, utara China.
Beberapa rakaman video di media sosial menunjukkan, ramai penunjuk perasaan berkumpul di depan masjid berkenaan sejak beberapa hari lalu sambil dikawal polis.
“Kerajaan berkata, ia bangunan haram tetapi tidak. Masjid ini mempunyai sejarah beratus tahun,” kata seorang pemilik restoran tempatan.
Di seluruh China, pihak berkuasa didakwa cuba mengehadkan kebebasan beragama untuk penduduk Muslim.
Ribuan penduduk Islam China protes keputusan robohkan masjid bersejarah
BEIJING: Pihak berkuasa di utara China menangguhkan rancangan meroboh sebuah masjid besar, semalam selepas ribuan penduduk melakukan bantahan besar-besaran.
Penunjuk perasaan mula berkumpul, kelmarin sebelum tarikh akhir meroboh Masjid Besar Weizhou di wilayah Ningxia, utara China.
Beberapa rakaman video di media sosial menunjukkan, ramai penunjuk perasaan berkumpul di depan masjid berkenaan sejak beberapa hari lalu sambil dikawal polis.
“Kerajaan berkata, ia bangunan haram tetapi tidak. Masjid ini mempunyai sejarah beratus tahun,” kata seorang pemilik restoran tempatan.
Di seluruh China, pihak berkuasa didakwa cuba mengehadkan kebebasan beragama untuk penduduk Muslim.
Ribuan penduduk Islam China protes keputusan robohkan masjid bersejarah
Ribuan penduduk Islam China protes keputusan robohkan masjid bersejarah
Ribuan penunjuk perasaan berhimpun di hadapan sebuah masjid di China yang dilaporkan akan dirobohkan berikutan arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan negara itu. Foto: Twitter/@nazir_lord
WEIZHOU: Ribuan penunjuk perasaan berhimpun di hadapan sebuah masjid di China yang dilaporkan akan dirobohkan berikutan arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah negara itu.
Ia susulan arahan kerajaan China yang mahu menetapkan had kebebasan beragama termasuk bagi umat Islam, selaras dengan kepercayaan Parti Komunis di negara itu.
Video dan foto mula tular di media sosial apabila ratusan penunjuk perasaan telah mula berhimpun di hadapan masjid di bandar Weizhou di daerah Ningxia sejak Khamis.
Memetik laporan antarabangsa, penduduk tempatan memberitahu bahawa masjid tersebut mahu dirobohkan kerana dikatakan sebuah bangunan yang tidak berdaftar. Bagaimanapun, masjid itu mempunyai pelbagai sejarah sejak kewujudannya beratus tahun dahulu.
Penduduk tempatan menggelar masjid itu sebagai ‘Masjid Weizhou’, namun perkataan itu tidak akan dapat dicari dalam carian menerusi Twitter di negara itu. Begitu juga dalam laman web Weibo.
Struktur masjid itu telah melalui proses pembangunan semula pada dua tahun lalu, namun berdasarkan dokumen kerajaan, proses pelesenan tidak dijalankan dengan betul dan beberapa pihak berkuasa telah menerima ‘amaran serius’.
Buat masa ini, bukan sahaja penduduk tempatan yang meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati atas keputusan tersebut, malah pengguna media sosial seluruh dunia juga meluahkan bantahan.
Image result for justice for weizhou mosque
Sumber: Astro Awani
Struktur masjid itu telah melalui proses pembangunan semula pada dua tahun lalu, namun berdasarkan dokumen kerajaan, proses pelesenan tidak dijalankan dengan betul dan beberapa pihak berkuasa telah menerima ‘amaran serius’.
Buat masa ini, bukan sahaja penduduk tempatan yang meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati atas keputusan tersebut, malah pengguna media sosial seluruh dunia juga meluahkan bantahan.
Image result for justice for weizhou mosque
Sumber: Astro Awani
Three Steps to Follow to Make Forex Trading Software System Work For You!
Making an automated forex trading system software work for you is not just to turn it on and go away. It's a set of rules and procedures which you need to follow to make forex trading software work. If you follow the steps and procedures with forex trading system software, then you can really make huge profits using it.
How far did you believe these sayings?
Whether you may say that you believe that the forex trading software is scam but I say no to that!
Simply one reason!
Then you do not know how to use automated forex software and you do not know how to make it work for you. It is very simple right!
If you can use it in a proper way then you can really make it work for you and can make lots of profits from it. Making it work for you is not at all a big deal. But to make it work for you need to follow certain basic steps.
Okay then. Here the steps that you need to follow to make a forex software system work for you.
Step 1:
Generally every forex software system will provide you with a demo account. Try to practice as much as possible on a demo account. While you practice a demo account, practice it on a brokerage firm that is having low spreads. Practicing a demo on brokerage firm which is having low spreads gives you more idea that how forex trading software works. FxOpen is one of the brokerage firms which have low spreads. So you can try your demo practice with that brokerage firm. The forex system software will be provided to you along with a manual on that forex software and as well as with some forex training material. Go through that manual and as well the training material as many possible times as you can, until you understand it very clearly before you start your demo practice.
Step 2:
Select some of the best forex strategies that you have learned. In general the training material which is provided by the forex trading software contains some forex strategies that work well with the forex system software. The forex trading software provider will provide the videos in which they illustrate the various forex strategies and their usage. So learn all the strategies which are illustrated in the material well and then practice them on your demo. Now you will be having some of the strategies that are learned from the training material and also have some more strategies that you have learned from other forex educational sources. Now practice all the strategies that you have learnt till now on the demo account. Take your own time. But never rush. Now you will be left out with few forex strategies which have worked well with your demo account. Note down the list of forex strategies that have worked well and have practiced well. Try to practice them once again on the demo account. Then you will be confident enough when to use which strategy.
Step 3:
Open a real account with a forex brokerage who is there in the forex field from a long while and also make sure that it is having a good reputation. Take a mini account but don?t go for big accounts as you are just starting now. Now plug-in your forex system software and start it. Now apply the strategies whatever you have chosen and practiced well. Initially many of the forex traders feel nervous as they are about to trade on real accounts. But when you start trading decide yourself that you have already lost the money which you have invested to trade. Then you will be confident enough to apply your strategies on the real accounts. In the starting you may not be able to achieve huge profits but you will make some reasonable profits from the forex market.
Note: Never run the forex trading software all the time and round the clock 24/7. Forex trading software providers will say that you can make huge profits by just running the forex software all the time. But that?s never the truth. If you want to make profits, check the economical conditions of the currency with which you are trading are good or bad. Nothing but you need to put some time in fundamental analysis and need analyze the market. If your fundamental analysis gives you a good sign then turn your forex system software and you can make huge profits.
I finally conclude that making an automated forex trading system software work for you is not just to turn it on and go away. It?s a set of rules and procedures which you need to follow to make forex trading software work. If you follow the steps and procedures with forex trading system software, then you can really make huge profits using it.