KULAI – Dalam dua serbuan yang dilakukan secara berasingan di Jalan Pandan Ria 6, Kangkar Tebrau, pihak Pejabat Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (PPDNHEP) Johor berjaya merampas ribuan serbuk pencuci pakaian jenama Daia tiruan.
Dalam serbuan yang melibatkan seramai 15 pegawai penguat kuasa itu telah dilakukan di dua buah premis, sebanyak 1,392 unit sabun tiruan jenama Daia bernilai RM6,090 berjaya dirampas.
Dilaporkan sabun serbuk seberat 850 gram itu telah dijual pada harga yang murah iaitu RM4.37 berbanding produk asli yang berharga antara RM6 ke RM7 sebungkus.
Dalam serbuan yang melibatkan seramai 15 pegawai penguat kuasa itu telah dilakukan di dua buah premis, sebanyak 1,392 unit sabun tiruan jenama Daia bernilai RM6,090 berjaya dirampas.
Dilaporkan sabun serbuk seberat 850 gram itu telah dijual pada harga yang murah iaitu RM4.37 berbanding produk asli yang berharga antara RM6 ke RM7 sebungkus.
Menurut Ketua Pegawai Penguat Kuasa KPDNHEP Johor, Aris Mamat, operasi berkenaan dilakukan pada jam 10.30 pagi setelah pihaknya melakukan pemantauan dan risikan di kedua-dua premis.
“KPDNHEP Johor Bahru yang diketuai Pegawai Penguat Kuasa Nazari Ham menjalankan operasi ke atas dua buah premis selepas disyaki menjual sabun pencuci pakaian dari satu jenama disyaki tiruan.”
Jelas beliau lagi, “Operasi dijalankan ke premis yang menjual pelbagai jenis barangan runcit dan keperluan isi rumah mendapati premis itu ada menjual barangan menggunakan jenama sabun serbuk pencuci pakaian.”
Aris Mamat menyatakan bahawa pihaknya telah menerima aduan daripada pemilik barangan terbabit yang melaporkan mengenai insiden peniruan produk keluaran syarikatnya.
“Pengadu mendakwa serbuk pencuci keluaran syarikatnya ditiru pihak tidak bertanggungjawab dan dijual lebih murah berbanding asli, selain tekstur sabun tiruan lebih kasar manakala teknik pembungkusan juga didapati berbeza.”
“KPDNHEP Johor Bahru yang diketuai Pegawai Penguat Kuasa Nazari Ham menjalankan operasi ke atas dua buah premis selepas disyaki menjual sabun pencuci pakaian dari satu jenama disyaki tiruan.”
Jelas beliau lagi, “Operasi dijalankan ke premis yang menjual pelbagai jenis barangan runcit dan keperluan isi rumah mendapati premis itu ada menjual barangan menggunakan jenama sabun serbuk pencuci pakaian.”
Aris Mamat menyatakan bahawa pihaknya telah menerima aduan daripada pemilik barangan terbabit yang melaporkan mengenai insiden peniruan produk keluaran syarikatnya.
“Pengadu mendakwa serbuk pencuci keluaran syarikatnya ditiru pihak tidak bertanggungjawab dan dijual lebih murah berbanding asli, selain tekstur sabun tiruan lebih kasar manakala teknik pembungkusan juga didapati berbeza.”
Berikut merupakan 3 tips untuk membezakan serbuk pencuci Daia asli dengan tiruan:
Serbuk yang mempunyai tekstur seperti tepung adalah produk asli manakala serbuk pencuci tiruan pula mempunyai tekstur yang kasar seperti gula
Bahagian hujung pembungkusan serbuk pencuci asli tidak tajam seperti yang tiruan
Imej di belakang pembungkusan lebih jelas dan terang berbanding yang palsu
“Siasatan lanjut akan dilakukan bagi mengenal pasti punca bahan itu diperoleh termasuk menyoal siasat dua individu ditahan dalam operasi itu.”
Seorang pekerja lelaki berusia 35 tahun dan seorang warga Bangladesh, 40 tahun telah ditahan bagi mendapatkan keterangan masing-masing.
Semua rampasan telah disita mengikut Seksyen 8(2)(b) Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011 dan jika sabit kesalahan, tertuduh bakal berdepan hukuman penjara sehingga tiga tahun atau denda tidak melebihi RM10,000.
Sumber: BH Online, Kosmo/ EraBaru
Serbuk yang mempunyai tekstur seperti tepung adalah produk asli manakala serbuk pencuci tiruan pula mempunyai tekstur yang kasar seperti gula
Bahagian hujung pembungkusan serbuk pencuci asli tidak tajam seperti yang tiruan
Imej di belakang pembungkusan lebih jelas dan terang berbanding yang palsu
“Siasatan lanjut akan dilakukan bagi mengenal pasti punca bahan itu diperoleh termasuk menyoal siasat dua individu ditahan dalam operasi itu.”
Seorang pekerja lelaki berusia 35 tahun dan seorang warga Bangladesh, 40 tahun telah ditahan bagi mendapatkan keterangan masing-masing.
Semua rampasan telah disita mengikut Seksyen 8(2)(b) Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011 dan jika sabit kesalahan, tertuduh bakal berdepan hukuman penjara sehingga tiga tahun atau denda tidak melebihi RM10,000.
Sumber: BH Online, Kosmo/ EraBaru
What is the Best Forex Trading Software
If you are new to the world of Forex trading, you might not know what the best Forex trading software is. However, this is something you're going to want to know if you want to be successful in Forex trading. Good software can make the difference between being an adequate trader and a great and very successful trader.
This will present an overview of what Forex is and how it can work for you. Forex trading, also called foreign exchange trading, works by trading currency pairs. Basically, you are predicting that one country's currency within your pair is going to do better than the other currency in the pair your trading. You make trades based upon these predictions, and make or lose money based upon how things actually work out.
Even the best Forex trading software can't work for you until you know how the market actually works, but it can streamline the process for you once you do. Learn your way around the Forex market by opening up a "demo" account with one of the Forex traders online and practicing. While you practice, you can also begin to use Forex trading software so that you learn how to use it so that you can make trades to your best advantage. You should know that you should never trade with real money until you know the market very well and have learned how to use your Forex trading software expertly, too.
What the best Forex trading software can do for you
The best Forex trading software cannot "take over" your trades for you completely, even though some sites may tell you that you don't need to know anything about Forex and can still make money as long as you use their software. In fact, you're going to use your Forex trading software to make your trades for you automatically, based upon criteria you give it. That is the main key right there - the criteria you give it, and that is where your understanding of the Forex market comes in, so that you understand exactly what criteria to give the Forex software to maximize your profits and minimize your losses.
What your Forex trading software can do for you is to keep up with the Forex market, which moves very fast and in real-time. There is a lot of data to be analyzed and considered, much more than you can analyze manually. The best Forex trading software will receive this information as quickly as it comes in, and make your trades for you based upon the criteria you've given it so that you have your best success.
What should your Forex trading software be able to do?
Your Forex trading software should be able to provide you what are called "trading signals." These trading signals are basically indications provided to you by a third party that recommend whether you should buy or sell. Therefore, your best Forex trading software is going to have this particular function built into it as part of the service.
A second thing your Forex trading software should be able to do is to allow you to place what are called "stop loss" orders. These are automated orders whereby your currency will be sold if it falls below a certain value that you have specified. This is important, because it keeps you from "losing your shirt" on a trade that is losing money. By defining your stop loss at specific values, you accomplish two things. First, doing so ensures that you don't have to be there in order to have the stop loss order implemented. You simply place it and it is implemented at the appropriate time, automatically, unless you cancel it. It helps keep you from experiencing additional loss.
The second thing placing a stop loss order does is that it negates any psychological factors that may actually help cause extreme losses. Let's say you're losing on a trade and you've placed a stop loss order so that the currency is sold once it drops to two dollars. By doing this, you prevent yourself from risking further loss by saying, "Well, maybe this currency will gain in value once again, so I'm going to stay in on the trade and see what happens." In effect, you are giving yourself an automatic "out" and taking yourself out of the process once that loss has occurred.
Remember that even the best Forex trading software can't do everything. Forex trading software is meant to be a tool to help streamline the Forex trading process for you so that it is automated to some extent. However, you still must have a good solid working knowledge of the Forex system and how it works in order to be able to use your Forex trading software effectively.
It's a bit like learning how to drive a car. Improvements in cars these days like power steering, power brakes, and airbags make driving safer and much easier than ever before. However, you still must be able to steer the car effectively, to accelerate and brake as necessary, in order to be a safe driver. In other words, the car is a vehicle you control, and you can't simply sit back and let it do the work for you.
The same is true of even the best Forex trading software. It can streamline the process for you and make it much easier and more automatic, but you still have to be in control. This is why it's imperative to know the Forex market very well before you try to trade with real money. In addition, having a thorough knowledge of the Forex market will tell you which software is best for you