Sana sini durian, dari pernah RM30 sekilogram hingga sekarang ni datang musim durian, harga jatuh hingga RM3 sekilogram.
Sarapan – durian, makan tengah hari durian, minum petang – durian, makan malam pun durian.
Tapi awas, jangan sampai terlebih makan, mungkin padah menunggu kita.
Kita sedia maklum, Raja Buah akan meninggalkan kesan panas dalam badan. Pada mereka yang kurang tahan, mungkin ada yang demam.
Bagaimana pula dengan ibu hamil?
Menjawab persoalan itu, Hello Doktor yang dipetik sebagai berkata, ibu yang sedang hamil boleh makan durian, namun dalam kuantiti yang sederhana.
Kerana, durian mempunyai kandungan gula dan karbohidrat yang tinggi.
Sebagai contoh, dua ulas durian bersaiz sederhana mengandungi 60 kalori dan durian juga dianggap sebagai makanan yang tinggi glisemik.
Jadi, bagi mengelakkan perkara yang tidak dundang, ibu mengandung harus tahu had untuk makan durian.
Ibu yang hamil juga sering dikaitan dengan diabetes.
Pada golongan terlibat, elakkan pengambilan durian kerana kandungan gulanya yang tinggi.
Risiko memakan durian berlebihan meningkatkan gula dalam darah.
Ia mempunyai kadar gula yang sangat tinggi.
Kajian terbitan British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology menyebut, pengambilan makanan dan minuman yang tinggi kadar gulanya akan meningkatkan risiko bayi lahir terlalu besar dan berat.
Malah, ia boleh menyebabkan obesiti pada bayi semasa kanak-kanak.
Kalori dan karbohidrat yang terdapat dalam buah durian sangat tinggi.
Sebiji durian bersamaan 54 hingga 60 kalori.
Bayangkan kalau ibu yang hamil makan hingga sebiji durian.
Keadaan ini boleh mendorong kepada diabetes gestasi, pre eklampsia, kelahiran pramatang dan jangkitan saluran kencing.
Rekod kes juga menunjukkan, berat badan berlebihan berisiko mengganggu suntikan epidural semasa proses bersalin.
Dah tahu, boleh cegah.
Bukan tak boleh makan, tapi pertimbangkan ulas durian yang mahu dimakan sejiranya anda kini sedang hamil.
Sumber: Astro Awani
Forex Software - How and What Forex Software to Choose For Maximum Trade Facility?
Before embarking upon a career in Forex business keep one thing in mind that successful Forex trading does not take place overnight. It happens only through diligent training, consistent skills and fortitude. a Forex software is not enough to help you to break in the market. The harder and longer a trader works in the forex market, the better he becomes at handling the intricacies of currency trading business; his perception improves and he is enabled to take sound decision wile weighing up his business opportunities.
If a Forex trader does not let himself get carried away and stays vigilant he can judge for himself the validity of claim made by different software developers. He can himself determine the suitability of a forex software system, which he is considering.
If a Forex trader is posed with the dilemma of choice regarding Forex Software, then he must realize that all the flashy stuff presented on the websites of these software programs has only one name-marketing tactics. Yes these people want to sell their product so they would promise you heaven for this bargain. It is up to a trader or any other intended buyer to distinguish between the fluff and substance.
Before opting for any package an intended buyer must do some background search, study reviews, ask questions in forums raise queries and check up the free trials, if available, before actually buying any software. Remember ultimately it's your money and your business, which is going to be affected by the choice and purchase of the software, so there is no such thing as digging too much around the hype to reach in the real stuff down there.
Basically there are three major categories of forex programs and they have a varying array both in price and performance options. An intended buyer should carefully evaluate his budget and his own degree of expertise and skill with respect of the functions, which he requires that software to perform, before selecting any package.
Types of Forex Software
Trading Platform - is an all in one solution; generally it is an innate working program of most brokers' Forex system, It generates an endless stream of information and provides fundamental tools to execute the trade. But it operates without supplying much detailed guidance to a novice. It is a good choice for those who can handle trade without much spoon feeding ; but a novice may feel bewildered by all that information without a clue on how to utilize this information for maximum advantage.
Signal Software - high level of expertise and clear comprehension of Forex market and trading strategies is the first requisite of this software; therefore, it is not much suitable for a beginner. To utilize this package a Forex investor has to get more involved in process of drawing information, using it adequately and making appropriate trading decisions. Signal software facilitates a trader to observe spread changes and make decisions based on those variances.
Charting Applications - hardly suitable for newcomers, this package is primarily good at trend analyses and predictions; Data streams and features generate alerts pertaining to buy and sell recommendations. Forex charting application software has the capacity for automated trading as well. Utilizing this forex software entails a great deal of foresight and understanding of Forex business to be used to its optimum capacity.
Forex Trading Robot or Forex Robots - have been created and developed to reduce psychological impediment while trading Forex. Forex robots are basically software programs, which apply different ranks and levels of algorithms to calculate or prompt buy and sell transactions. But it should be kept in mind that despite lofty claims of software developers there is no such software that is empowered enough to work flawlessly while currency trading. There is a widespread belief among Forex fraternity that large financial institutions have some highly advanced trading algorithms or 'black box' for forex trading , which are kept in high secrecy.
One thing, which an interested buyer should remember is that their requirements, will keep on changing with their level of understanding and skill. Besides, if a trader can afford it then there is no harm in using two or more software programs simultaneously because each one offers some thing exclusive.
Forex software availability is possible in many forms: CDs, downloads, and interactive, Web-based programs. Just be sure that the testimonials props the claims of your chosen program. Forex software has to be more than just functional. It must eventually fulfill the reasonable expectations associated with its faculties.