Online Forex Trading Strategy - How to Make Currency Trading Systems Work For You Now that there are hundreds of Forex margin brokers, millions of free Forex trading tips webistes and literally hundreds of thousands of Forex day trading strategy "home based business" Forex traders, we can say that virtually anyone with an internet connection can trade Forex with the pros. In any power trading strategy, a proven trading method will mean that through Forex strategy testing and by using trading risk management, no more than one or two per cent of a total account value is put at risk in a single trade. This is key in the path to big Forex profits. Any trader beginning out will look at the trading methodologies available to them and decide to create trading rules for their Forex trading strategy. Forex trading (currency trading) initiates should be aware therefore not only of technical and fundamental analysis and predicting Forex prices, but also of how to be a trading strategy tester and to have strong Forex trading rules that help them to make the big Forex profits they are seeking. The alternative is to have more experienced Forex trading systems used by more experienced traders end up causing you to lose all your money in your Forex business - the harshest possible outcome. Having the following in place could assist you in getting started right away in Forex trading (currency trading): a Forex trading software platform; a free Forex trading strategy (or a paid for one for that matter); an understanding of fundamental and technical analysis and a trading risk management system. From these elements (and also the support of a daily Forex strategy briefing from a margin broker or some other site) you can start Forex trading in the fx market with your own Forex trading strategy rules. Learning currency trading online needs to begin with sound trading risk management and how to manage your trading account balance by making intelligent risk decisions with your trading account. The risks can be higher with Forex because the moves in a week can be equivalent to a month in stock moves. Volatility is to be expected. Currency trading strategy rules for a Forex business can be developed by amalgamating Forex trading systems of others or simply garnering a Forex education to include: fundamental and technical analysis; trading money management (risk management); a daily Forex strategy briefing from a "third party" and a way of creating Forex forecase signals (in other words a means of predicting future Forex prices from perhaps a technical setup on a currency pair or simply from Forex strategy testing that has been carried out. Forex strategy testing can either be done through using a practice account through your broker or by paper trading your strategy. A third option is to use software such as Forex strategy tester which can run a simulation of what could happen if you trade by your rules with some limitations on accuracy. Free Forex trading strategy tips are available from Forex ebooks webistes all over the web. The truth is that the Forex trading fx market needs to be treated as a business that runs like a Forex trading machine as much as possible. This is key if you are to make big Forex profits in live trading. Lack of regulation means that anyone can sell a "scalping trading strategy" or so-called "foolproof trading method" and make themselves out to be an expert or even say they are a long term bank trader when they are not. There is a need for caution therefore when deciding on where to get your Forex education because not any Forex trading guide is actually going to help in your predicting Forex prices in the near, medium or long terms. It behooves you to go out and look at what is on offer from Forex trading websites and learn more about the global currency markets after you have read this article. Some sites are listed in the resource box at the end to start you off. Trading Forex online then presents challenges. The rest of this article will address those challenges. In order to trade effectively, a Forex trading guide is needed for the initiate in to the Forex markets to be able to learn online currency trading, understand trading risk management and how to manage money, discover technical and fundamental analysis, how these types of analysis of the market differ and how to apply them in creating a Forex trading machine. This means that after all the cogs are set in place you will have a Forex trading machine that enables you to its like a professional and make decisions based in the moment and on the facts that are presented to you, rather than guess or gambling work - although there is invariably an element of risk, your job is to eliminate the risk as much as possible in applying your trading strategy. To make this happen, you will start to think about what you may need in order to implement your trading strategy. For example, will you be needing a daily Forex strategy briefing from either a paid service or a free provider of its strategy briefings - such as perhaps your broker or a third party service. In your technical analysis will you be utilising traditional indicators such as those involved in a bands trading strategy (Bollinger Bands), will you rely on charts created by a its platform or other currency price forecast type service or will you be professional analyst charts to make your decisions? A proven trading method is hard to come by. There are educators who have been trading Forex for banks and other institutions for many years. However they are still going to find it incredibly difficult to pass on their years of knowledge, at least not in the time most people want to go from knowing nothing about Forex trading (currency trading) to being an expert and making money with its as a business. In sum, it is multidimensional. There are several aspects of absolute importance. These include strategy, both in terms of trading and money management, education - both initial and ongoing and focusing in on mastering a specific area whether that be a particular currency pair or aspect within the field - such as global economics of a particular country.ll

Kenapa Makan Kambing Mesti Sakit Kepala.. Inilah Perjelasannya Yang Sebenar.. Sungguh Tak Disangka

Setiap kali makan kambing kenapa rasa pening? Jangan kata orang tua, orang muda pun sama juga, tapi tak semua macam tu. Ada yang kata minum air lemon boleh neutral kan balik, tapi tak semua macam tu. Jadi sedikit penerangan di bawah mengenai kenapa makan kambing boleh pening.

Ramai yang sering mengadu sakit kepala apabila makan beberapa jenis daging terutamanya daging kambing. Kerana takutkan kolestrol yang tinggi, ramai juga yang menghidari daripada memakan daging ini.

Sebenarnya, rasa pening kepala itu merupakan tindak balas daging kambing itu yang mencegah penyakit darah tinggi dan obesiti.

Penyakit darah tinggi adalah berpunca daripada kolestrol dalam darah yang terurai daripada kolestrol kambing tersebut. Kolestrol kambing yang menguraikan darah yang tercemar dengan kolestrol tepu akan menyebabkan isi padu darah meningkat.

Pesakit darah tinggi akan mengalami gejala pening akibat peningkatan isi padu darah apabila memakan daging kambing.

Walaupun daging kambing berfungsi sebagai pengurai protein terbaik, pesakit darah tinggi tidak disarankan mengambil daging kambing sebagai terapi dan mengelakkan kesan yang diluar kawalan mereka.

Tetapi, bagi mereka yang tidak mengalami tekanan darah tinggi dinasihatkan agar mengamalkan pemakanan daging kambing untuk mengelakkan risiko penyakit darah tinggi.

Apabila kolestrol gagal dicerna oleh hati,  lemak di bawah permukaan kulit akan terbentuk. Jika terlalu banyak lemaknya, ia akan menjurus kepada risiko obesiti. Pengambilan daging kambing oleh pesakit obesiti akan menyebabkan tekanan darah yang tidak stabil dan akan mengalami pening kepala.

Selain daripada itu, tahukah anda bahawa daging kambing juga pembakar lemak yang berlebihan dalam badan? Panas badan, berpeluh dan telinga berdengung merupakan antara pembakaran lemak daripada memakan daging kambing.

Khasiat & Kelebihan Daging Kambing

Mencantikkan kulit
Mempunyai vitamin C semula jadi yang tidak dioksidakan
Membina dan menjaga ketahanan sel kulit
Menyeimbangkan dan mengurangkan bebanan fungsi hempedu serta mencantikkan kulit
Pengambilan protein secara berlebihan akan menyebabkan ia tersimpan di bahagian bawah kulit. Dan ia akan mudah dioksidakan dan bertindak balas dengan sel kulit untuk membentuk tenaga.
Proses ini yang menyebabkan kulit kelihatan gelap dan hangus sekirang berjemur di bawah sinaran matahari.

Kandung vitamin C dalam daging kambing memberikan daya ketahanan yang lebih terhadap kulit kesan tindak balas protein yang terkena cahaya matahari.

Untuk mendapatkan kulit yang putih dan cantik, amalkan sahaja memakan daging kambing!

Sebenarnya hal tersebut disebabkan oleh kandungan zat besi dan tyramin yang terdapat pada daging.

Gejala Pening Kepala Disebabkan Memakan Daging Terutamanya Daging Kambing Adalah Kerana Kurangnya Serapan Gula Ke Otak.

Makan daging yang banyak kandungan proteinnya boleh mengurangi serapan gula ke otak. Namun, punca kebanyakan orang mengalami pening adalah disebabkan oleh kandungan zat tyramin dan zat besi yang terdapat dalam daging tersebut.

Tubuh badan kita sebenarnya memerlukan zat besi sebagai bahan untuk menghasilkan protein hemoglobin yang bertujuan untuk mengangkut oksigen ke seluruh tubuh. Tapi kelebihan zat besi ini boleh jadi sedikit mudharat yang mengakibatkan pening dan sakit kepala.

Menurut National Poison Control Center, gejala yang biasanya muncul kerana kelebihan zat besi adalah pening, mual, lemah sakit kepala dan nafas pendek. Kelainan genetik yang disebut sebagai hemchromatosis juga boleh menyebabkan tubuh menghasilkan zat besi yang berlebihan.

Orang yang mempunyai kelainan genetik ini harus mengambil daging yang mempunyai zat besi yang rendah, tidak boleh mengambil suplemen zat besei atau melakukan penggantian darah (phlebotomy).

Zat Tyramin juga faktor kepada gejala kepala pening ini. Selain di daging merah, zat Tyramin ini boleh di dapati di dalam keju yang disimpan serta anggur merah. Gejala kepala pening ini biasanya muncul 12 jam selepas mengambil makanan-makanan tersebut.

Artikel ini bukan bertujuan untuk menakutkan. Tapi ianya sekadar ilmu pengetahuan bagi mereka yang fobia dengan makan daging kambing.

Sumber : Rencah Rasa
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How To Do Qualitative Analysis On Biotech Firms The science and business of biotechnology is complex and uncertain, and trying to figure out biotech companies' prospects for success no easy task. Because many ventures are in the development stage, they often confound traditional financial analysis: With little or no cash flow, earnings or even revenues, putting numbers on a firm – while not entirely impossible – can be awfully tricky. So, when sizing up a biotech company's strategic and financial health, analysis often relies heavily on qualitative analysis rather than quantitative, financial methods of valuation. Here are a few non-numerical items to consider when analyzing biotech companies. (To learn more about the sector itself first, check out The Ups And Downs Of Biotechnology.) Products and Pipeline Naturally, a biotech company's product portfolio and research pipeline are the lifeblood of its success. That means you need to take a close look at the company's key products and the features of its biotechnology. Ideally, the company should be developing a technology platform with multiple – rather than single – treatment opportunities. Importantly, the company should be working on a large number of products that target diseases and conditions with large patient populations. Keep an eye out for biotech firms developing products for big treatment areas – such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases and central nervous system disorders – where potential return on investment is greatest. Stay clear of companies developing "me-too" treatments for disease areas that already well served by existing technologies in the market. At the same time, find out where the company's products are situated in the development pipeline. The later the product's stage of clinical development, the greater the chances of regulatory approval, market launch and commercial success. (For more on the connection between research and profits, read R&D Spending And Profitability: What's The Link?) Patents A biotech company's technology and products might have great potential, but does the company possess patents to protect its technology? By giving the firm exclusive rights to its technology, patent protection increases the value of that technology and of the company itself. The company can pursue research and development (R&D) and commercial development with less fear of competitors "stealing" or infringing on their technology. Most importantly, patents can attract royalties-paying commercial partners with the financial clout to fund R&D, clinical trials, product development and marketing. R&D Does the company have a track record of productive research and development? Mature biotech companies spend about a fifth of total revenue on R&D, while early-stage biotech ventures typically spend well in excess of hundred percent of revenues on R&D. Not surprisingly, the outcome of R&D spending can vary wildly, especially for early-stage ventures. A key factor in success is the ability to develop cost-effective drugs that represent breakthrough therapies. R&D that delivers similar results to those already on the market is less likely to translate into successful products. Look for companies with R&D programs focused on diseases that aren't currently well-treated. (To learn more about the research and development process, check out Buying Into Corporate Research & Development (R&D).) Management Talent and experience of management is critical for long term success. Ideally, the biotech company should be run by executives who have developed and commercialized treatments before. It's a good idea to look for management teams with a track record of meeting publicly-stated goals and development milestones. Meanwhile, be wary of companies that regularly miss their targets. Executives must have an excellent understanding of the clinical and commercial development process, appreciate the costs involved, and have a record of putting company's resources into projects that offer high returns on investment. Partnerships These days, biotech companies can rarely succeed alone. Given the big costs of drug development, a biotech company will be held back from reaching its full potential unless it can find partners to help fund clinical trials and commercialization. So, it's important to find out if the company has secured promising collaborations and licensing partnerships. Look for partners that show lasting commitment – remember, the product-development process can be a very long and expensive one. Also, keep an eye on deal terms, as they offer a reliable indication of value that the market gives to the technology. A good licensing partnership agreement will include not only a generous royalty rate on future sales but also healthy upfront payments, plus milestone payments for achieving development targets. (Management can play a huge role in a company, for more read Evaluating A Company's Management.) Financial Resources Finally, it's important to know whether the company is well-financed. After all, funding is the fuel of the biotech industry. Without funding, a biotech company will be forced to cut back on R&D, and clinical and commercial activities – reducing its chances of maximizing return on investment. It's reassuring to see enough cash on the balance sheet to cover expenses for at least a year or two. A solid cash position means that the company can strike up favorable partnerships without having to accept the first deal on offer. Of course, the hope is that the biotech company won't have to rely on external financing and cash reserves to keep R&D and commercial development going and will eventually be able to run profitably from high-margin revenues. The Bottom Line It's almost impossible for the average investor to grasp the science that underlies biotech companies and their development projects. Given that biotech businesses typically have scant financial records, quantitative analysis represents a big challenge for investors, too. That said, looking at the key qualitative drivers of biotech value – namely, a promising product pipeline, patents, talented management, durable partnerships and access to funds – offers a good first step in sizing up a company's potential. (For more on biotech, check out A Primer On The Biotech Sector.)