Online Forex Trading Strategy - How to Make Currency Trading Systems Work For You Now that there are hundreds of Forex margin brokers, millions of free Forex trading tips webistes and literally hundreds of thousands of Forex day trading strategy "home based business" Forex traders, we can say that virtually anyone with an internet connection can trade Forex with the pros. In any power trading strategy, a proven trading method will mean that through Forex strategy testing and by using trading risk management, no more than one or two per cent of a total account value is put at risk in a single trade. This is key in the path to big Forex profits. Any trader beginning out will look at the trading methodologies available to them and decide to create trading rules for their Forex trading strategy. Forex trading (currency trading) initiates should be aware therefore not only of technical and fundamental analysis and predicting Forex prices, but also of how to be a trading strategy tester and to have strong Forex trading rules that help them to make the big Forex profits they are seeking. The alternative is to have more experienced Forex trading systems used by more experienced traders end up causing you to lose all your money in your Forex business - the harshest possible outcome. Having the following in place could assist you in getting started right away in Forex trading (currency trading): a Forex trading software platform; a free Forex trading strategy (or a paid for one for that matter); an understanding of fundamental and technical analysis and a trading risk management system. From these elements (and also the support of a daily Forex strategy briefing from a margin broker or some other site) you can start Forex trading in the fx market with your own Forex trading strategy rules. Learning currency trading online needs to begin with sound trading risk management and how to manage your trading account balance by making intelligent risk decisions with your trading account. The risks can be higher with Forex because the moves in a week can be equivalent to a month in stock moves. Volatility is to be expected. Currency trading strategy rules for a Forex business can be developed by amalgamating Forex trading systems of others or simply garnering a Forex education to include: fundamental and technical analysis; trading money management (risk management); a daily Forex strategy briefing from a "third party" and a way of creating Forex forecase signals (in other words a means of predicting future Forex prices from perhaps a technical setup on a currency pair or simply from Forex strategy testing that has been carried out. Forex strategy testing can either be done through using a practice account through your broker or by paper trading your strategy. A third option is to use software such as Forex strategy tester which can run a simulation of what could happen if you trade by your rules with some limitations on accuracy. Free Forex trading strategy tips are available from Forex ebooks webistes all over the web. The truth is that the Forex trading fx market needs to be treated as a business that runs like a Forex trading machine as much as possible. This is key if you are to make big Forex profits in live trading. Lack of regulation means that anyone can sell a "scalping trading strategy" or so-called "foolproof trading method" and make themselves out to be an expert or even say they are a long term bank trader when they are not. There is a need for caution therefore when deciding on where to get your Forex education because not any Forex trading guide is actually going to help in your predicting Forex prices in the near, medium or long terms. It behooves you to go out and look at what is on offer from Forex trading websites and learn more about the global currency markets after you have read this article. Some sites are listed in the resource box at the end to start you off. Trading Forex online then presents challenges. The rest of this article will address those challenges. In order to trade effectively, a Forex trading guide is needed for the initiate in to the Forex markets to be able to learn online currency trading, understand trading risk management and how to manage money, discover technical and fundamental analysis, how these types of analysis of the market differ and how to apply them in creating a Forex trading machine. This means that after all the cogs are set in place you will have a Forex trading machine that enables you to its like a professional and make decisions based in the moment and on the facts that are presented to you, rather than guess or gambling work - although there is invariably an element of risk, your job is to eliminate the risk as much as possible in applying your trading strategy. To make this happen, you will start to think about what you may need in order to implement your trading strategy. For example, will you be needing a daily Forex strategy briefing from either a paid service or a free provider of its strategy briefings - such as perhaps your broker or a third party service. In your technical analysis will you be utilising traditional indicators such as those involved in a bands trading strategy (Bollinger Bands), will you rely on charts created by a its platform or other currency price forecast type service or will you be professional analyst charts to make your decisions? A proven trading method is hard to come by. There are educators who have been trading Forex for banks and other institutions for many years. However they are still going to find it incredibly difficult to pass on their years of knowledge, at least not in the time most people want to go from knowing nothing about Forex trading (currency trading) to being an expert and making money with its as a business. In sum, it is multidimensional. There are several aspects of absolute importance. These include strategy, both in terms of trading and money management, education - both initial and ongoing and focusing in on mastering a specific area whether that be a particular currency pair or aspect within the field - such as global economics of a particular country.ll

Mulai Sekarang Kulit Petai Jangan di Buang..

Petai merupakan pohon tahunan dari suku polong-polongan yang memiliki bau khas layaknya jengkol. Kulit petai memiliki bentuk seperti halnya petai cina atau lamtoro hanya saja memiliki bentuk yang lebih besar dan tebal. Sama halnya dengan lamtoro, petai atau yang juga sering kita kenal dengan nama pete ini merupakan buah favorit untuk lalapan. Selain sebagai lalapan buah ini biasanya juga dicampurkan dalam berbagai masakan seperti lodeh, sambal, dan tumisan sayur.

Sebenarnya banyak juga yang tidak suka dengan buah yang satu ini karena rasa dan baunya yang khas dan kuat, akan tetapi tak jarang juga yang menjadi penggemar buah ini. Petai sendiri memiliki banyak sekali khasiat seperti mengobati anemia, mencegah stroke, meningkatkan kemampuan otak, mengobati sembelit, dan lain lain..

Banyak penggemar petai yang hanya mengambil bijinya saja ketika mengkonsumsinya, sedangkan kulitnya dibuang di tempat sampah begitu saja, padahal kulit yang berwarna hijau ini juga memiliki banyak khasiat bagi kesehatan kita. Kulit petai mengandung senyawa fenolik yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan alami yang dapat menangkal radikal bebas penyebab penyakit. Jadi jangan buru-buru membuang kulit yang menyehatkan ini setelah mengambil isinya, karena anda tidak boleh melewatkan khasiat yang didapatkan ketika mengkonsumsinya. Berikut adalah khasiat yang kita dapatkan jika mengkonsumsi kulit petai :

1. Sebagai Anti penuaan

Awet muda merupakan impian semua orang. Untuk menjaga tubuh agar tetap awet muda kita harus tetap memperhatikan olahraga dan makanan yang dikonsumsi. Salah satu makanan yang dapat menjadi obat anti penuaan dalam tubuh adalah kulit petai. Di dalam kulit yang memiliki bau khas ini terkandung asam fenolik yang juga bermanfaat untuk anti penuaan dalam tubuh. Selain itu zat ini dapat mencegah tumbuhnya sel yang tidak normal, meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh, dan meningkatkan sirkulasi dalam darah.

2. Menjaga kesehatan kardiovaskular

Selain sebagai anti penuaan ternyata senyawa fenolik yang terkandung dalam kulit petai juga bersifat anti inflamasi, anti pembekuan, dan sebagainya yang dapat menjaga kesehatan kardiovaskular. Kadiovaskular sendiri adalah sistem dari tubuh yang terdiri dari jantung, komponen darah, dan pembuluh darah yang memiliki peran untuk memberikan dan mengalirkan suplai oksigen dan nutrisi kesemua jaringan tubuh dalam proses metabolisme tubuh. Sedangkan penyakit kardiovaskular yaitu penyakit yang berkaitan dengan jantung dan pembuluh darah.

3. Menjernihkan minyak menggoreng

Minyak menggoreng  merupakan sumber penyakit berbahaya karena mengandung radikal bebas. Terkadang jika membuangnya masih sayang karena masih tersisa banyak, tapi jika tetap digunakan akan membahayakan kesehatan kita sendiri. Ternyata kulit biji-bijian yang memiliki bau khas ini dapat menjernihkan minyak goreng bekas sehingga lebih sehat jika ingin digunakan lagi. Senyawa fenolik yang terkandung di dalamnya dapat menghilangkan radikal bebas dengan cepat sehingga dapat menjernihkan minyak goreng bekas. Selain menjernihkan minyak goreng bekas ternyata senyawa tersebut juga dapat menghilangkan bau tengik yang ada pada minyak goreng. Dengan kulit ajaib ini minyak goreng yang semula akan dibuang karena sudah tidak aman, siap kembali digunakan untuk menggoreng atau memasak.

4. Mengubati diabetes

Diabetes merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh tingginya kadar gula darah akibat tidak normalnya sekresi insulin. Kulit petai ternyata dapat mengobati diabetes. Caranya pengolahannya adalah dengan memotong kecil kecil kulit menyehatkan ini, setelah itu masukkanlah ke dalam ketupat, lalu rebuslah ketupat tersebut ke dalam 3 gelas air panas hingga airnya kira-kira tersisa satu gelas saja, tambahkan gula merah juga ke dalam air rebusan, saring air hasil rebusan kemudian konsumsi ramuan ini dua kali sehari untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan.

5. Menyuburkan tanaman serta mengusir hama

Jika anda tidak ingin mengkonsumsi kulit petai secara langsung jangan dulu langsung dibuang, karena kulit yang satu ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menyuburkan tanaman dan mengusir hama. Kulit yang memiliki tekstur kaku dan tebal ini mampu berperan sebagai insektisida dan fungisida alami. Sehingga tanaman anda lebih sehat dan aman untuk dikonsumsi karena menggunakan insektisida alami, selain itu tamanan anda juga terhindar dari serangan hama.

6. Mengobati Asid Urik (asam urat)

Asam urat dapat menyebabkan nyeri yang sangat, pembengkakan, dan rasa panas pada persendian. Kebanyakan laki-laki diatas 30 tahun yang mengalami penyakit ini, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan juga terjadi pada wanita. Ternyata kulit petai juga dapat digunakan untuk mengobati asam urat yaitu dengan mengkonsumsi air rebusan kulit ini sekitar 4-7 hari secara teratur, setelah itu bisa anda rasakan asam urat yang anda alami akan terasa lebih mendingan.

Untuk memanfaatkannya sebagai obat anda harus memilih petai yang masih segar untuk mendapatkan kulit dengan kandungan yang maksimal. Kulit petai dapat dikonsumsi dengan merebus kulitnya kemudian diambil air rebusannya atau bisa juga dimasukkan ke dalam masakan anda. Jika anda memilih memasukkannya ke dalam masakan anda tak perlu khawatir akan rasanya, karena rasanya tidak berbeda jauh dengan isi petai.

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Forex Autopilot System - Why Do Traders Use Automated Forex? Forex Autopilot system? What is this forex trading system? Where do you use it and why do you have to use it in forex trading? This automated forex trading system will help you automate your trading profits, I know you already heard about many successful forex trader who had been making a lot of money from forex trading with the use of an autopilot forex system. If you really want to be successful on forex market you should at least learn the basic of forex. Forex Market really involves a lot of risk. And risking your hard earned money is so difficult to handle specially if you are in need of money. Many people doesn't want to take risk and this is the very reason why many forex trader failed to make money from forex market. But with the help of some technology we can now trade without having to risk, without having to worry and without exerting a lot of effort. Many people are searching for ways to make their trading more profitable without having to do some things that many expert trader had been experienced. They just wanted to make and earn money in most possible and quickest time. And forex autopilot system an be used in achieving your goals. Now, what makes forex autopilot system different from the many forex trading software that has been spreading online? There are two popular systems that have been widely searched and used by many trading expert. One is the forex signals creator and the other one is the robotic forex trading system. The first one gives trader signals that are really helpful to their trading and the other one is an automated forex system that has been responsible in making trading so easy and profitable. A lot of people are wishing for one of a kind forex trading system. They are wishing that they can too establish their own wealth online. With the use of forex autopilot system many people will surely make money! There are no software and system like this. Now here is the five reasons why many forex trader used this automated forex system: Ease of use - Forex Autopilot System doesn't required any trading knowledge, you don't have to be a mathematician to start making money with it. Fully automated - Now with the use of forex autopilot system you can now enjoy life without having to worry so much about your hard earned money place on trading the forex. You can make sure that you can make money even when you are asleep. flexibility - Forex Autopilot system works in any meta trader platform and works in any country. You can make profits even when you are not at home. As long as there is an internet connection, you really don't have to worry. Zero investment cost - Forex Autopilot System will provide you an initial $100 for free to test their own system on a demo account. Then if you already know the system flow then you can start with your real account and start reaping unlimited profits. It is not expensive trading system. Come to think of it, if you will join trading seminar how much will it cost you? How long will you going to start making profits from it? But with forex autopilot system you can start making money instantly.